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Tinder update includes 37 gender options

Tinder has changed its gender identity options to become more inclusive. Now British, US and Canadian users will have up to 37 different options to choose from when creating an account - including transgender male and female, agender and genderqueer.

Sean Rad, Tinder CEO, told USA Today: "Six months ago we discovered that the transgender community was experiencing some harassment on the platform.

"When we initially heard about it, we were very angry."

The harassment that some trans people were suffering from was being banned from the site for using the 'wrong' gender option. The update also includes a change in the algorithm for Tinder to help target and correct harassment early on.

Tinder explained the update on their blog: "Inclusion and acceptance drive this expansion, and we want Tinder to reflect the world that surrounds us every day.

"We haven’t had the right tools to serve our diverse community in the past, but that changes today."

They built the feature with the help of Nick Adams and Alex Schmider from GLAADs Transgender Media Program, as well as filmmaker and trans right advocate Andrea James.

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