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Over 90% of female university students groped in clubs

Photo: Pixabay (,d.ZGg&psig=AFQjCNFs-HiGiUkR22bVAdUu-eVBbraX0A&ust=1480003038666649)

A recent survey has found that 91% of women at British universities have been sexually assaulted while out clubbing either on or off campus.

If that doesn't hit you hard, let's put it this way: it's the same as 9 out of the next 10 girls you meet having their arses smacked, boobs grabbed, and being kissed/touched inappropriately by people they probably don't even know.

The survey was carried out by Babe (the women's section of student paper The Tab), and involved 5,300 women from 50 different universities.

The university with the highest ranking - with 96% of women saying they had been targets - was Sussex University, with Cardiff (95%) and Oxford (92%) following close behind.

Many uni's have introduced sexual consent lessons - however the fact that these are compulsory is proving a problem - with a group of students walking out of one of the consent workshops at the University of York, labelling them as "patronising".

Earlier this month Nicola Dandridge, chief executive of Universities UK, said: "The university sector has been clear that there is no place for sexual violence, harassment or hate crime on a university campus, nor anywhere else."

Babe posted the survey on its website, saying: "As more and more classes appear on universities and students begin walking out in protest, consent is a bigger issue than ever.

We want to know what you actually think on sexual assault, rape culture, consent classes and revenge porn. Take our survey and tell us your story."

We couldn't agree more. The survey is available to take here. So if, like the other 91% of female university students out there, you're sick of feeling unsafe for going to a club with your mates - have a go at filling it in and help tackle the problem of lad culture that has become so deeply ingrained into university culture.

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